Tuesday 21 October 2008

My Dream Job

I really like working on a line with a crew of other cooks. it is stressful and hard on the body and at times ugly, but on those nights when you are slammed with orders and the tickets seem to be endlessly pouring out of the machine and all of a sudden time just seems to slow down, motions become automatic, you don't even realize the burns on your arms and hands or the pain in your back and feet from the shitty mats that the cheap owner won't replace, ingredients fly and the crew dances around one another, all working together like a machine and, if it's a good kitchen and a good chef and a good menu, together you push out an amazing amount of beautiful and delicious food and when it is over and time returns to normal and you realize 3 hours have passed and you walk by the dish and all the plates are coming back licked clean, it just feels great, it is rare and arguably the horrible hours and horrible pay and the physical torture overshadow that feeling, but in that brief time it beats all

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