Tuesday 21 October 2008

Eating Well at Halloween

It’s unavoidable; you and your kids are going to end up in front of a tasty bowl of Halloween candy sometime soon. We can hope that it doesn’t happen and assume our friends and family know better than to tempt us with food that is not only bad for us, but also unsustainable and not local. It’s probably best to be realistic and come up with an action plan.

First, accept that it’s going to happen and think about moderation! Letting yourself indulge a little will keep from overindulging in some closet away from everyone. If you have said to yourself, “I’m just not going to have any Halloween candy this year, none!” it’s guaranteed that you will eat some and end up feeling bad about yourself. So, make a plan. On Halloween if you have a party or are trick-or-treating, give yourself and your children a limit. Put the rest away, and hope everyone forgets about it. If they don’t, allow them 1 or 2 pieces a day for a week (and then hope they forget!).

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